Postdoctoral Researcher

Pierpaolo Busan, PhD

Pierpaolo Busan, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher


Tel: /


Address: Via Alberoni 70, Venice Lido

Office: Second floor


Pierpaolo Busan was born in Trieste (Italy), in 1980.

He obtained a Master Degree (M.D.) in Psychology at the University of Trieste, in 2004.

Successively, in 2009 he completed his Ph.D. Program in Neuroscience, at the same University.

He also earned a Specialization Degree (S.D.) in Neuropsychology (University of Trieste), in 2013.

He began his research program at the Department of Life Sciences in Trieste, successively working at the Human Physiology Section of the University of Ferrara, and at the Neurology Section of the University Hospital of Trieste.

He has been also “lecturer on contract” at the M.D. in Psychology, the M.D. in Neuroscience and the S.D. in Neuropsychology of the University of Trieste.

He is experienced in using different neurophysiologic tools such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Electroencephalography (EEG), TMS/EEG co-registration, electromyography and magnetoencephalography, as well as in neuropsychological testing and diagnosis

Research interests

Pierpaolo is currently concentrated on understanding the neurophysiological basis of Developmental Stuttering, toward new and more effective rehabilitative solutions (Project Code: GR-2018-12366027, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health).

He is also experienced in investigating the neurophysiological and cognitive effects of Brain Computer Interface methods, the neurophysiological basis of Parkinson’s Disease, and the neural correlates of preparation/execution of reach-to-grasp movements.

List of scientific publications:

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